What does my giving support?
It takes financial resources to accomplish the work God has called us to do for our community, our city, and the world. Your faithful giving helps support the spiritual formation of our community and the spread of the gospel. It supports mission initiatives in our city and around the world. It allows us to maintain a space for friends, family, and neighbors to gather, as well as worship together.
General Fund
This is our main operating fund and is used for the day-to-day operations of our church. These funds may also be allocated by our Vestry to the other funds listed below as needed and when possible.
Pastor Discretionary Fund
This fund is available to our pastor to help members of our congregation or residents of our neighborhood who may be in crisis and need some moderate financial assistance. The use of the funds are at the discretion of Bill Scott, our Rector, as he and the leadership identify individuals who are in significant need.
Building Fund
We are a church plant and one of our many prayer requests to God is that our growth would lead to a future permanent home for Resurrection Anglican Church. The balance of this fund would allow us to one day in our future acquire a space that can be used for God's glory here in Rock Hill as we continue to share his love with this wonderful city.
Mission Fund
We take pride in making sure that we support both local and international missions initiatives. Giving to this fund ensures that we continue to support outreach initiatives within our city of Rock Hill as well as assisting other missions partners globally.