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Clergy and Leaders of Resurrection Anglican Church

Rev. Bill Scott

Planting Pastor/Rector

Rev. Jean Roach

Deacon (on sabbatical)

Rev. Daniel McGregor

Transitional Deacon

Kate Orton

Worship Director and Parish Administrator

Louise Soileau

Children's Ministry Director

Anthony Massotti

Discipleship Director

Leadership Team/Council of Advice

This team will transition to a traditional vestry once we move from a mission to a parish

Joe Mester

Melissa Miller

Scott Miller

Doyle Roach

Joshua Soileau

Nick Wimmer

Susan Killingsworth, Treasurer

Diocese of the Carolinas Leadership

We participate in an ecclesiastical (fancy word for "Church") structure where we have Bishops and others that we look to for guidance and support.

Rt. Rev. Steve Wood

Diocesan Bishop

Rt. Rev. David Bryan

Suffragan and SC Area Bishop

Rt. Rev. Terrell Glenn

NC Area Bishop

Rt. Rev. Thaddeus Barnum

Assisting Bishop